How I can add value
I engage with firms/research institutions in four ways:
1. Advising
2. Investment Portfolio
3. Speaking engagements - Read testimonials about Costas' professional speaking and also watch the talk on "Developing new products in volatile markets" that he gave at the Innovation Network (Cardiff University)
4. Academic workshops - "Advanced Writing Programme" (For research institutions only)
3. Firm workshops and Advising - Find out more about workshop topics covered and consulting areas
1. Advising
2. Investment Portfolio
3. Speaking engagements - Read testimonials about Costas' professional speaking and also watch the talk on "Developing new products in volatile markets" that he gave at the Innovation Network (Cardiff University)
4. Academic workshops - "Advanced Writing Programme" (For research institutions only)
3. Firm workshops and Advising - Find out more about workshop topics covered and consulting areas